Revel Tool

The command line tool revel is similar to the go generate tool. It’s purpose is to simplify the development process of a web application by automating some of the repetitive steps. When used it reads the source code (and configuration) of your project and generates the source files for the routes, generates a main entry point for the application, downloads any missing packages (using deps if vendor folder is found) and can start your application running in a proxy.

You can optionally increase the verbosity of this process by adding a -v or --debug to any of the commands listed below

The Revel command package contains no dependencies on the Revel webframework. This allows the Revel team to make changes to either package individually without affecting your build environment.

$ revel
  revel [OPTIONS] <command>

Application Options:
  -v, --debug                If set the logger is set to verbose
      --historic-run-mode    If set the runmode is passed a string not json
      --historic-build-mode  If set the code is scanned using the original parsers, not the go.1.11+
  -X, --build-flags=         These flags will be used when building the application. May be specified multiple times, only applicable for Build, Run, Package, Test commands
      --gomod-flags=         These flags will execute go mod commands for each flag, this happens during the build process

Available commands:

You can optionally increase the verbosity of this process by adding a -v or --debug to any of the commands listed below

The Revel command package contains no dependencies on the Revel webframework. This allows the Revel team to make changes to either package individually without affecting your build environment.

Application Options

These are global options available with any command.

  • -v, –debug : Turns on the logger to be verbose in logging, may offer up clues as to what is not working
  • –historic-run-mode : Passes the run mode as a string, not a json object. Not compatible with project using go.mod
  • – historic-build-mode : Parses the source files using go/build library. Not recommended with project using go.mod
  • -X –build-flags= Go build flags to be used when building the app, may be specified multiple times for multiple flags
  • –gomod-flags= commands to be run using go mod <your command here> spaces will be assumes to be split arguments example below handy for modifying the go.mod file before it is used for a build.
     revel build   --gomod-flags "edit" -a my_gocode -t build/my_gocode


  • Displays the Revel Framework and Go version, if you want to view the version for a particular project you need to pass in the application path. All version management is maintained in the go.mod file which is located in the root of your project. You can modify that file using the go mod edit commands or directly with a text editor. You can also pass in commands that Revel will run before building a project like:
revel build   --gomod-flags "edit" -a my_gocode -t build/my_gocode
$ revel  version -h
  revel [OPTIONS] version [version-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                  Show this help message

[version command options]
      -a, --application-path= Path to application folder


revel new -h
  revel [OPTIONS] new [new-OPTIONS]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                  Show this help message

[new command options]
      -a, --application-path= Path to application folder
      -s, --skeleton=         Path to skeleton folder (Must exist on GO PATH)
      -p, --package=          The package name, this becomes the repfix to the app name, if defined vendored is set to true
          --no-vendor         True if project should not be configured with a go.mod, this requires you to have the project on the GOPATH, this is only compatible with go
                              versions v1.12 or older
      -r, --run               True if you want to run the application right away

Creates the directory structure and copy files from a skeleton to initialize an application quickly. Since version 1 this will initialize a go.mod file in the project folder and the project is not required to be in a GOPATH

  • Copies files from the skeleton/ package
  • The location of the project is dependent on a few variables
    • If the import path is an absolute path the location will be there
    • If the path is a relative path the current working directory is checked
  • Skeleton is an optional argument, the default skeleton is in but you can specify a different git repository by entering in the path like below. ```commandline ./revel new test/ git:// Revel executing: create a skeleton Revel application Your application has been created in: /home/me/mygopath/src/test/

You can run it with: revel run -a test/

Or you can specify a local filesystem path by 
revel new -s path/to/my/skeleton

Supported Schemes for the skeleton path

  • file:// (or none), expects to find the skeleton on the path specified
  • http:// Git repository, will access like git clone http://….
  • https:// Git repository, will access like git clone https://….
  • git:// Git repository, will access like git clone git://….

  • You can create a new app and run using the -r by doing a revel new -a -r
revel new -a


$ revel run -h
  revel [OPTIONS] run [run-OPTIONS]

[run command options]
      -a, --application-path= Path to application folder
      -m, --run-mode=         The mode to run the application in
      -p, --port=             The port to listen (default: -1)
      -n, --no-proxy          True if proxy server should not be started. This will only update the main and routes files on change

Example usage

// run in dev mode
$ revel run -a

// run in prod mode on port 9999
$ revel run -a -m prod -p 9999

Run creates a proxy container to run your application in, it also can watch your file for changes and if any changes are made it can redeploy the application (if Go source files are changed), or recompile the templates. It also downloads all necessary libraries

  • Creates main and routes Go source files and compiles the project for you
  • Runs a Proxy which will display any compile errors or template errors
  • Watches files for any modifications, relaunches application if changes detected
  • You can turn off the proxy with the --no-proxy flag if you want the process to only update the go files.
  • Interesting feature running on port 0 will start the proxy listener on a random open port so you don’t need to keep track of what ports are being used
    revel run -a -m prod


revel build -h
  revel [OPTIONS] build [build-OPTIONS]

[build command options]
      -a, --application-path= Path to application folder
      -t, --target-path=      Path to target folder. Folder will be completely deleted if it exists
      -m, --run-mode=         The mode to run the application in
      -s, --include-source    Copy the source code as well

  • Build the Revel web application named by the given import path.
  • This allows it to be deployed and run on a machine that lacks a Go installation.
  • (v0.20) By default the go source tree is no longer added to the build results. instead only the folders specified in the app.conf `` are included (recursively) in the package. You can override this behavior by including the --include-source to the command
  • By specifying the --run-mode you can further reduce the size of the packaged module since this will restrict the number of modules included in the package to be deployed
  • The tool ignores any directory beginning with a period and only includes folders in conf,public,app/views. this is configured by package.folders in the app.conf
    revel build -a /path/to/deploy/mega-app -m prod
WARNING: The target path will be completely deleted, if it already exists!


revel package -h
  revel [OPTIONS] package [package-OPTIONS]

[package command options]
      -a, --application-path= Path to application folder
      -t, --target-path=      Full path and filename of target package to deploy
      -m, --run-mode=         The mode to run the application in
      -s, --include-source    Copy the source code as well

  • Build the Revel web application named by the given import path.
  • This allows it to be deployed and run on a machine that lacks a Go installation.
  • (v0.20) By default the go source tree is no longer added to the build results. instead only the folders specified in the app.conf `` are included (recursively) in the package. You can override this behavior by including the --include-source to the command
  • By specifying the --run-mode you can further reduce the size of the packaged module since this will restrict the number of modules included in the package to be deployed
  • The tool ignores any directory beginning with a period and only includes folders in conf,public,app/views. this is configured by package.folders in the app.conf
    revel package -a -m prod
    > Your archive is ready: chat.tar.gz

WARNING: The target path will be completely deleted, if it already exists!


revel clean -h
  revel [OPTIONS] clean [clean-OPTIONS]

[clean command options]
      -a, --application-path= Path to application folder

  • Clean the Revel web application named by the given import path
  • Deletes the app/tmp directory.
  • Deletes the app/routes directory.
      revel clean


revel test -h
  revel [OPTIONS] test [test-OPTIONS]

[test command options]
      -a, --application-path= Path to application folder
      -m, --run-mode=         The mode to run the application in
      -f, --suite-function=   The suite.function

  • Run all tests for the Revel app named by the given import path.
      revel test -a -m dev