A controller is a container for the request methods. You could have every request tied to an method in one controller but a better practice would be to divide the work up amongst controllers in a logical manner, refer to the hotel application for an example.

##Coding Rules Two important rules, the Controller must be the first type when defined in a file, the following example the Foo controller will not be found

type (
	Bar struct {
	Foo struct {

Coded properly it would be like this

	type (
		Bar struct {
	type (
		Foo struct {

or this

	type Bar struct {
	type Foo struct {

The second rule is that a controller can only exist in a folder called controllers, if you intend to extend all your controllers from a common one make sure that the common one exists in a folder called controllers as well, or none of your controllers will be found

##Extending the Controller A Controller is any type that embeds *revel.Controller (directly or indirectly). This means controllers may extend other classes, here is an example on how to do that. Note in the MyController the BaseController reference is NOT a pointer

type (
	BaseController struct {
type (
	MyController struct {